Wednesday, March 09, 2011

NPR's surprise ... not!

NPR's CEO Vivian Schiller has resigned after a videotape surfaced showing an NPR fundraiser expressing his true feelings about the Tea Party, conservatives, and generally pathetically pandering for money from supposed Muslim donors.

This whole issue - i.e. the opinions of NPR execs of anyone not leaning hard-left - only surprises people who don't listen to NPR. Public Radio is nothing more than a de facto mouthpiece for the Left, and that's obvious in the "issues" on which they report and the language they choose to use when talking about a particular subject.

If nothing else, I guess I feel kind of vindicated in hearing at least one of them say it out loud. It gives me an opportunity to have an "I-told-you-so" moment ... because I listen to NPR, and I could have told you all this long ago...

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Cowboy Junkies - A Common Disaster